Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Tuesday May 6, 2014

I have been sleeping later since the Doc said take it easy until the stitches are out. I slept in and then headed to the Hall St Bakery. After coffee I stopped by the bank and then an used clothing store. I was told that my Navy uniforms are a hot item with young folks. The first store told me they were not interested but a store on Leonard that sells used Military items might buy the uniforms. I stopped home loaded up the C2 with items for recycle. This is my second trip this week. I also stopped by the Military store and they told me the Navy clothing would not sell. I will take to Goodwill later this week. The grass is getting long so I cut the grass. This afternoon Larry Fill who has an Estate Sale company stopped by to see the furniture and other items we want to sell. He liked what he saw and we set up a date for the middle of July. Nancy fixed scallop potatoes for dinner. They were great. We watched NCIS and read the GRP. Nancy thinks Ms P is getting better. She is on three special pills per day and a bland diet. My fitbit says I reached my goal of 10,000 steps today.

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