Thursday, May 22, 2014

Thursday May 22, 2014

Nancy and I arrived back in GR yesterday about 1500. We spent Monday and Tuesday at the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island. The following is a brief summary of our trip. Monday May 19: We left GR a little before 0800. It was a bright sunny day. When we got to Gaylord we stopped to see Helen and Don. They really looked relaxed and fully recovered from their 9 day road trip from AZ to MI. We left off a brick of swiss cheese that we can now get in GR. We were introduced to this cheese my Missy when she lived in Cleveland. The cheese is made in an Amish Community outside Cleveland. We got to Mackinaw City in time to catch the 1330 ferry to the Island. Our bags were checked through to the Grand and so we had a pleasant walk to the Hotel. Tourist season has not started yet so the Island was not crowded. I like the clip-clop of the horses. I am still not fully recovered from the pneumonia so I took a short nap. Nancy and I attended a 1830 wine and cheese get together. We met Ed and Mary Namey who arrived shortly after we did. After the wine and cheese we headed to the main dining area and had a great five course meal. After dinner we sat in the main lounge area and listed to harp music. We retired early. Tuesday May 20: The rain moved in last night. It was cloudy and cold with the temperature never getting above 45. We had breakfast in the main dining area. Breakfast was great. The nice thing about the GH is that no tipping is allowed. We had a small break in the rain and Nancy and I walked downtown to buy some fudge. We nearly froze to death. We did spend a lot of time reading. In fact I finished my book. About 1600 we walked upstairs to a bar on top of the hotel. It is called the Cupola Bar. The view of the Straits of Mackinaw is great. We met the Namey's at 1900 for dinner. We had another fine meal. The Grand Hotel is a fine dining experience. While we were freezing in Mackinac it was nearly 80 in GR. Wednesday May 21: We had another fine breakfast. We caught the 1000 ferry to Mackinaw City and then drove home. It was 80 when we got home at 1500. We had a light dinner and then headed upstairs early. All the eating and drinking of the past two days tired us out. Thursday May 22: I slept in until 0800. I had coffee at Hall Street. I did buy a bag of day old scones at 50% off. We love Hall Street's scones but not at full price. I stopped at the bank to make a deposit. I also got the Taurus washed. Nancy continues to pack. I cleared my in-basket and paid some bills. We filled out a form for the condo association and we are now waiting for our Realtor to pick it up. We had to fill out a form asking permission to have our dog, Petunia, stay with us. Would the condo association deny our request? Dinner tonight will be at Great Lakes Shipping. Every day in every way I am feeling better and better.

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