Monday, May 26, 2014

Monday May 26, 2014

Memorial Day is the start of the Summer season. Until 1968 Memorial Day was on May 30 instead of the last Monday in May as it is now. Alpena, Michigan always had a big parade on Memorial Day. For several years when I was a Boy Scout our Troop 78 would march in the parade. It was usually warm when we marched the mile parade route. While Memorial Day had a special significance for veterans for Bobby Scott it meant that I could finally quit wearing long underwear. From about Halloween to Memorial Day I wore what was called an union suit. A union suit was one piece. In other words the top and bottom was one piece. A buttoned flap was provided in the rear so that one did not have to remove the entire suit when doing ones bidness. I wore the union suit until I was about 12. It was a happy day when my Mother said I did not have to wear the suit. Today Nancy and I slept in until about 0730. We had breakfast at the Brandywine on the East Beltline. After breakfast we did our shopping at Meijer's. Gas today was $3.88. I did take a nap this afternoon. After the nap Nancy and I walked Ms P around the block. I spent some time on my computer. I made a mistake opening an email so I am in the process of changing my email address. It is a pain. Nancy fixed sloppy joes for dinner tonight. I took a mile walk after dinner. We will watch some TV before heading upstairs.

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