Friday, May 9, 2014

Friday May 9, 2014

We had a heavy rain come through early this morning. For the first time in 10 days I did my calisthenics, no aerobics. Had coffee and read WSJ at Hall Street Bakery. I also bought some day old scones at 1/2 price. Kim came again today and the preparation for the sale continues. At 1000 Clean Sweep came and took about three cubic yards of trash. Nancy and I took our winter comforters to the cleaners. We also drove around our new neighborhood. Surprisingly most of the stores we regularly use are closer. The sun came out about noon. The temperature was in the low 70s. I did take a 2 mile walk and during the walk my fitbit buzzed me to say I had reached my 10,000 step goal. The realtor called about 1500 and said he was on his way to take pictures of the house. We made a last minute check. We got high marks for getting the house ready. We signed some more papers. The house goes on the market on Monday. We are having soup and hot dogs for dinner tonight. I think we will head upstairs early because we have had a busy week cleaning.

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