Thursday, May 15, 2014

Thursday May 15, 2014

Catch up time: Monday the tossing and pitching continues. More trips to Goodwill. My chest cold continues to get worse. The house is looking good. Tuesday we put the finishing touches on our cleanup. Nancy got good news from Dr Sprik. Her second biopsy has come back clear. The score is 1-1, so we are in a wait and see mode. It was cold and rainy all day. I continued to read and throw out old magazines. One more day and I will have caught up. My chest cold takes a bad turn so I call our GP and get the on call Doctor. He said come in early tomorrow. I called the Realtor at 1945 and asked if the house was on the market. He said he was just finishing up and would post the house later. At 2145 the Realtor put the house on the market. Wednesday: Busy, busy day. Nancy had to drive herself to the Doctor to get the last of her knee shots. I called the GP and got 1530 appointment. The Realtor called and said that the first showing was scheduled at 1300. Nancy and I quickly put the finishing touches on the house. At 1100 I go to the skin doctor to get my stitches removed. At 1130 the "For Sale" sign goes up. At 1230 we all get in the Taurus head to Meijer's Garden. Nancy is working today. Ms P and I drive around until it is time for the GP appointment. The Realtor keeps texting me about request for visits. Eight showings are scheduled for tonight with the last one ending at 1930. The GP checks me over and said I have pneumonia. He gave me a prescription for a strong antibiotic. We pick up Nancy at Meijer's. We stop at Meijer's to pick up my medicine. For dinner we stop at Russ's. Nancy has soup and a burger. I have a hot turkey sandwich. We get home at 2000. The Realtor calls at 2100 saying we have an offer for the house. Nancy and I review offer. It looks good. The Realtor stopped by with some papers that have to be signed. The house has sold in less than 24 hours. Thursday: We all sleep in today. There are several showings scheduled for this afternoon but they are canceled. The estimator from "Two Men and a Truck" stops by to see what we want moved. He will give us an estimate on Friday. Bob and Nancy crashed this afternoon. Dinner tonight at Great Lakes Shipping. The Buyer's have scheduled an inspection of the house on Monday. Nancy and I will be at the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island for a well deserved rest.

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