Thursday, May 8, 2014

Thursday May 8, 2014

We all slept in today. Helen and Don had a light breakfast and were on the road by 0800. After they left I got on my bike and pedaled to the Kava House. Kim came today to wash windows and do some heavy dusting. She will also return tomorrow. The house is looking good. Nancy spent some time cleaning the garage. I took a load of clothes and books to Goodwill. We have the garage loaded with trash. Tomorrow at 1000 a rubbish hauler is stopping by to take all the trash. His fee is reasonable? It was a beautiful Spring day today. It is now 1600 and the temperature is 82. 82 is hot in GR. We are staying home tonight and cleaning the reefer. We will read the GRP and watch some TV. We like the Big Bang TV show. Right now I am heading out for a two mile walk. I have to get my 30 in.

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