Saturday, May 17, 2014

Friday May 16, 2014

The recuperation continues as does the cold weather. The normal high for this date in May is 70 and today it was in the low 50s. I slept in and then had coffee at Hall Street Bakery. I took some time to give the WSJ a good read. Confusion in the Middle East, Iran recruits Afghan young men to fight in Syria. India has new leaders and who knows what is happening in Thailand. Vietnam is pushing back against China. Japan is moving towards a stronger defense to combat Chinese moves against some rocks in the East China Sea. The Europeans don't know how to handle their primary energy supplier Russia. Who can figure it all out. Today we spent some time going to our Credit Unions to get some money for our May 30 closing on our condo. It is really not that complicated we just have to get all our financial ducks in a row. We have about 30 days between purchasing the condo and selling our house. In those 30 days we must carry insurance on two homes. Our Realtor is providing us a check list to help navigate the transition period. Kim came about 1300 and picked up Ms P. She will be with Kim and family for a week. I did take a nice long nap. We had fried egg sandwiches and then headed downtown to the GR Art Museum. We saw the exhibit on Michigan design. It covered everything from auto manufacturing, furniture design and architectural designs unique to Michigan. Everything from the Keeler House on Reeds Lake to the design of Ford Rouge River complex. It was very interesting. We finished the evening by watching Midsomer Murder on Netflix. Frost warnings are up for tonight. Bummer!

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