Friday, May 23, 2014

Friday May 23, 2014

The recuperation continues. I have been sleeping in and last night was no exception. After breakfast I got on my bike and pedaled to the Kava House. This was my first time on the bike is over a week. I read the first section of the WSJ. For Africa's largest economy Nigeria seems to have a military that is totally incompetent. They cannot protect their own people. I read an article on the Pope's visit to the Middle East. The Christian population in this area has declined drastically in the past 50 years. In my lifetime will the birthplace of the Christian faith be devoid of Christians? Russia and China have signed a big deal for Russia to sell gas from Siberia to China. Russian is having problems getting Russians to live in Siberia. Will China claim that since there are more Chinese living in Siberia than Russians that this area should become part of China? This is the same reasoning that Russia used in Crimea. What goes around comes around? After coffee I pedaled home and rounded up Nancy and Ms P. Kim is cleaning today and she brought Ms P back after a week at her house. We headed to Art Van furniture and bought a new mattress and box spring for our bed. We will have it delivered when we move. We also stopped at Costco to load up on some supplies like peanut butter, cereal and sandwich rolls. Lunch today was a Costco hot dog. I took a nap this afternoon. After the nap I took Ms P around the block. We are having a stretch of really nice weather and it should continue through the holiday weekend. For dinner tonight we are having a Costco chicken. I hope to take a mile walk after dinner. Sunset is after 2100. I love the long days. This is my favorite time of year.

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