Sunday, May 11, 2014

Sunday May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day: Nancy and Bob's first Mother's Day was spent in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park. Nancy fixed a picnic lunch and we were taking Debbie to the Zoo. The animals did not mean much to Debbie but she sure liked watching the pigeons. It was very cold so we ate our lunch rapidly. Today in GR we had a beautiful Mother's Day. Sunshine and temperatures in the low 80s. I still can't swim so we headed to Cheri Inn for breakfast. We got there at 0800 and had no trouble getting a table. Ten minutes later and we would have had to wait. After breakfast we headed to Meijer's. Gas today was $3.66. We did not purchase much because we don't want to take a lot of food when we move. I read several sections of the GRP before heading upstairs for my Sunday nap. After the nap I cleaned out my nightstand. I was surprised at how many big books that I had. I tossed most. I finished the afternoon with a mile walk. We are having a light dinner tonight, cold cut sandwich. We will watch 60' and a netflix show before heading upstairs. I did find a poem Missy wrote to me on my 42nd birthday. It was nice and I am keeping it. Last night we had a long enjoyable FaceTime conversation with Debbie. I love FaceTime.

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