Saturday, May 24, 2014

Saturday May 24, 2014

I set my alarm for 0230 so that Nancy could go out and watch the meteor shower. Nancy came back about 10 minutes later saying she could see nothing. I got up at 0700 and got on my bike and pedaled to the Omelette Shop for breakfast. I had their super sized oatmeal. We are having another beautiful spring day. Sunshine and temps in the low 70s. When I got home Nancy was busy packing boxes. She wants to fill one box every day. In the process of cleaning out our book case I found several boy's books on famous men. I loved these book when growing up. I sent a book on Davy Crockett along with a coon skin cap to Lucas. I made a trip to Goodwill to drop off some books. On this Memorial Day weekend in 1966 Nancy and I were living at 875 Woodside Road in Redwood City, Ca. I had been working many weekends during the winter and was really looking forward to having three days off. I planned on sleeping in every day. On Saturday our alarm goes off about 0600 and I tell Nancy to shut it off. Nancy said the alarm was not on. She then sticks her head out the door and smells smoke. The alarm we were hearing was the fire alarm. Nancy grabs Debbie and heads downstairs. I was following her when I realized that I forgot my cigarettes. I ran back and got my camels. I don't think I had my priorities right? Anyway the fire was confined to one apartment. The complex was cleared out in minutes and we all assembled in the courtyard. The apartment complex had mostly single folks. I think Debbie was the only child. We noted that a lot of our neighbors were sleeping in apartments other than their own. I also found out that we were the only tenants that had a renter's insurance policy. Oh the things one remembers! I did take a short nap and then walked with Ms P to the OHNA mailbox. Nancy is fixing chicken sandwiches for dinner tonight. I will take another walk and then watch some TV. Usually on this weekend there are some good military films.

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