Monday, May 5, 2014

Sunday May 4, 2014

Week end Update: Friday May 2, We slept in today. After breakfast we headed to 6174 Tahoe to meet with Steve Yared. We hired Steve to inspect our new condo. It took about 2.5 hours and only minor repair items were found. This trip to the condo reinforced our decision that 6174 is right for Nancy and Bob. We got home about noon and received a call from the Larry Reames, the dry waller. He wanted to apply the finish sand on his work. It took Larry less that 45 minutes to finish. It look good but there is heavy layer of dust all over the bathroom. Now we have to get the painter in to finish. We continued packing and tossing this afternoon. For dinner we went to Brandywine for their “Ham da Scram”. It tasted great. We watched Unforgetable before heading up. Saturday May 3: I drove to Bill’s for breakfast. Nancy did not want to go. I made several stops on my way home: My first stop was at the Vets. I wanted to get Ms P in becuase she has been off her feed lately. Her stomach was growling all night. She is scheduled for next week. I also stopped at the Rental Store to see if they had a shop vac for rent. They did. Nancy called and said she thought that Ms P was constipated. I stopped again at the Vets and asked about some medicine. The Vet told me to come in at 1430. Nancy and I took Ms P in and the Vet knew immediately what the problem was. Ms P had injured her back. She got two shots and some medicine. She must be quiet for two weeks. No walks, or rides in the car and we have to carry her upstairs. It took me about two hours to dust and vacuum the bathroom. It is good to have this bathroom back in use. Of course when the painter comes I will have to remove all the items out of the bathroom. Nancy has really been working hard in the basement. Any one who has ever been in our basement recently would be surprised. I make many trips to the garage with things we are throwing away. I spent considerable time cleaning my office. I cleaned out closets and tossed a lot of things. 19 long sleeve T’s, 12 sweaters, 20 SS T, 2 sport coats, 5 dress pants, 2 vests 14 dress shirts were all tossed. I kept a recored for tax reasons. I made a trip to Goodwill. I did not throw away a tux I had in college because it fit. I also kept a 3 button blue suit that I have had for years. It is now back in style. We were very tired so I got a pizza for dinner. Sunday May 4, 2014: Doc says no swimming so Nancy and I went out for breakfast. We ate at the Cheri Inn. It was very good. After breakfast we headed to Meijer’s for our weekly supplies. Gas today was $3.51. I spent some time cleaning my office before taking a nap. For the first time in about a week the sun was out. At 1530 we headed to Moleski’s for dinner. All of the book club was in attendance. Nancy got to announce our purchase of the condo. We got home about 2000. We watched a BBC show on Netflix and read the GRP before heading upstairs.

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