Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Wednesday March 5, 2014

Wednesday March 5, 2014: Breakfast Club today. Up at 0600 and on my way by 0630. Small turnout today which is too bad because we had a great speaker. She was a graduate of Albion College and is the marketing director for Hudsonville Ice Cream. Hudsonville which is a very popular brand in West Michigan has been slowly expanding around the Great Lakes. It is a great success story for a small business with only 30 employees. After BC I stopped at the Wealthy Street Bakery to get a coffee and read the WSJ. I had a 1030 GR Building Authority meeting today. I got to City Hall early so I walked down to the Plaza Towers to get some information on their apartments and condos. Nancy and I might like living downtown. Today’s meeting was short. With the slowdown in the economy we do not have any building projects. At 1230 I drove Nancy to Meijer Gardens for her afternoon shift. When I got home I took a two mile walk. It is now 1518 and I am heading to a Doctor’s appointment. The Doctor’s appointment lasted until 1645 so I was 45’ late in picking up Nancy at the Gardens. When I got home I went on another 2 mile walk. We had a light dinner and then watched the news. It is now 1941 and at 2000 we will watch another Netflix show.

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