Saturday, March 29, 2014

Friday March 28, 2014

Another typical Friday. Hall St Bakery to have my coffee and read the WSJ. Home at 0930 to pick up Nancy and head to MVP. Nancy did her machines and I swam. I had a quick lunch and then we drove to the ENT Doctor. The Doc said Nancy's salvia gland has nothing to do with her high blood pressure. We called the Realtor and set up an appointment to meet at Lake Bella Vista to see a condo. The condo is right on the lake and appears in good shape. In fact everything was almost too good to be true. The price was about $50,000 less than what I would have guessed and the condo fees were also low. We need to do some research. For dinner we finished the chicken noodle soup Nancy had prepared for Tuesday. It was better the second time. After dinner I took a two mile walk. We watched the news and then the final episode of Foyle's War. I did check on UM/UT BB game on my iPhone. I am just not into BB, although it would be good to see three Big Ten schools in the final four.

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