Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Wednesday March 19, 2014

Breakfast Club Wednesday. Up at 0600 and head downtown in the rain. It is suppose to rain all day today. Snow possible tomorrow. Today's Speaker is the Chairman of the Kent County Board of Supervisors. He bragged about the county's stellar credit rating, triple A and what good money managers they are. Only 24 folks were in attendance this morning. After BC I came right home and picked up Nancy. We spent about an hour at MVP. I did not go swimming today but did walk on the tread mill. I stopped by Hall Street Bakery for my morning coffee and WSJ. Nancy has to work at the Gardens this afternoon. We drove her and then I took a 30' nap. I walked Ms P around the block and continued on my standard 2 mile walk. I also did a load of laundry. Picked up Nancy at 1615. Nancy has book club this evening so I am going out for pizza with Tom and Ed. We might have time to watch a Netflix show before retiring. I got my 30 in today did you?

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