Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Wednesday March 26, 2014

I slept in until 0730 today. Did not go to Hall Street Bakery instead Nancy and I went straight to MVP. Nancy worked the machines and I used the rowing machine and treadmill. Nancy had to work at Meijer's Garden this afternoon. We dropped her off at 1300 and then ran some errands. I bought V8 juice, apples and shower cleaner. We dropped our tax info off at our CPA. I also looked at two condos that just came on the market and rejected both. For the first time this year Ms P and I walked a mile. Picked up Nancy at 1630 and we drove North to Lake Bella Vista to look at a condo on the Lake. We want to see the interior. We will have a light dinner and then watch the news. At 1900 I will take a 2 mile walk. It does not get dark until 2000. We will finish the evening watching another episode of Foyle's War.

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