Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Tuesday March 18, 2014

We had a full moon this morning. When I left for the Hall St Bakery the sun was out and temperatures are expected to reach the mid 40s. The snow will soon be gone. I stopped at the house at 0930 and drove Nancy to the Gift Shop. She is meeting with several vendors. I had my pick of lanes when I started swimming this morning. I thought I was really moving but my time was the same as Sun and Mon. After lunch I picked Nancy up at the hospital. This afternoon we met with a realtor. He inspected the house and took some notes on what we want in a condo. The Realtor estimates that the house will sell in 30 days. That means we have to have a new place picked out soon. I walked to the post office this afternoon. I also walked Ms P around the block. Most of the sidewalks are cleared of ice. Tomorrow I will ride my bike. Tonight I am having hot dogs and tomato soup for dinner. I will read the GRP and watch NCIS. No Netflix tonight. Yesterday I called an old high school buddy and asked if he remembered Jerry Kendziorski's mother buying us green beer for St Pat's day in 56. He said that he did remember. I forgot to mention yesterday that March 17, 1938 was my Great grandfather Sanborn's 83rd birthday. His diary mentioned that Aunt Julia had the church dinner and made $16. GGF worked in the Ossineke Post Office in the afternoon.

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