Friday, March 21, 2014

Friday March 21, 2014

Even retired folks say "Thank God it's Friday". Up at 0630, coffee at Hall Street Bakery. I think the Bakery has become a meeting place for Woman's Groups. Five groups of women were meeting this morning. Each group had four women. I picked up Nancy at 0930 and we headed to MVP. I went swimming and Nancy did the machines. We had a 1330 meeting with our Realtor today. He prepared a report on real estate sales in the OHNA. Based on all the data he gave us a recommended sale price for the house. It is lower that what I thought but he is probably right. We also have a list of condos available. Nancy and I have some work to do. After the meeting we got in the Taurus and headed to Costco. One of our purchases was a chicken for tonight's dinner. GR Bike called and said my bike was ready. I walked over to the shop. I rode the bike home. Tonight we will watch the news and some NCAA BB. We are also going to fit in another episode of Foyle's War. It got up to 42 today with bright sun. The snow is slowly melting. The roads are clear enough to ride a bike.

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