Sunday, March 30, 2014

Sunday March 30, 2014

Weekend Update: Saturday March 29: I pedaled to the Omelette Shop for an oatmeal breakfast. Nancy was having breakfast with her friend Kathi. After breakfast I pedaled around Reeds Lake. My internal hub that changes gears was acting up so I left the bike with GR Bike in Gaslight Village. I walked home. GR Bike called at 1500 and said the bike was fixed. I walked over and pedaled home. Our neighbor, Dr. Hoekema, was at the bike shop with his young son. He had just purchase his boy a 29". It looked great. At 1730 Nancy and I drove to P.F. Chang's for dinner. We met Ed and Mary Namey. After dinner the Namey's stopped at our house for dessert. Winter's grip is finally easing. Sunday March 30: The stars were bright at 0500 a sign of a great day coming. We left for MVP at 0730. Today Nancy and I did not have to share a lane. Gas today at Meijer's was $3.75. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I read the Sunday's funnies and then took a nap. After the nap I brought up my cruiser bike from the basement and took a 10 mile ride. When I got home Nancy told me that MSU had lost. I was disappointed because I wanted 3 Big Ten teams in the final four. I just hope UM can make it. Nancy is fixing sloppy joes for dinner. We have a busy evening with the UM game, 60' and the GRP. Friday we finished the last episode of Foyle's War. We might watch MI-5 tonight. The Namey's recommend Doc Martin. Today has been a perfect spring day. Bright blue sky with temps in the high 40s. There was a traffic jam on the trail around Reeds Lake.

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