Monday, March 17, 2014

Monday March 17, 2014

Happy St. Patrick's Day. Up at 0630 and did the normal at-home thing. Had my coffee at Hall Street Bakery. Read the WSJ. The Crimea Election has put the USA in a difficult position. Sanctions would probably do more harm than good. After coffee I stopped by home and got Nancy. We headed to MVP. Nancy used the machines and I went swimming. We came straight home after the workout. I took a short nap, walked Ms P around block and took a 2 mile walk. Spent some time inputting relatives into family tree. Today I put Dad's cousin Robert Rayburn into the the family tree. We will have a light dinner and then some TV. St. Patrick's Day, 1956. Gerry Kendziorski invited several of his friends over to his house. We were all seniors at AHS. Gerry's mother bought us some green beer. This is the first time a parent had bought beer for our group. We also had baloney sandwich. The baloney was green as was the bread. We did not over indulge. It was a great evening.

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