Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Tuesday March 4, 2014

Today my mother would be 107 years old. The one special birthday I remember was during WW II. My dad was working for the Army in Chicago. Dad sent mother a great big package. The package was wrapped in the Sunday funnies. I spent an afternoon reading the funnies. The cold weather continues. It was in single digits when I went out at 0500, but no snow. When I left for the Hall Street Bakery at 0830 we had about 1/4" of new snow. At 0920 I packed up and headed home. I drove Nancy to the Hospital to work in the gift shop. Nancy is slowly getting better. Today she removed her elastic wrap and showered and then replaced the wrap. No pills yesterday. The pool was crowded this morning. I had to share a lane. The car was very dirty so I drove it through a car wash. I shoveled the walk when I got home. Nancy's friend brought us several Packzi. A Packzi is a Polish sweet roll eaten on Fat Tuesday, the day before the start of Lent. They are tasty. Nancy called at 1330 saying she was ready to come home. Ms P and I hopped in the Taurus and picked her up. I took a short nap, paid some bills and read the meeting notes for tomorrow's GR Building Authority meeting. It is now 1700 and I will take a 2 mile walk when I finish this blog. Snow fall in Michigan has been record setting this winter. Calumet in the UP has had over 240". In GR we have had over 110". But my hometown, Alpena, has had only 60". This lack of snow is blamed on ice cover over the lakes. However, it has been cold in Alpena. In Feb they had 15 days where the temperature was below 0. Nancy is fixing stuffed pork chops for dinner. We will watch some TV and read the GRP before heading upstairs. I got Netflix to work on my mini. I tried watching show in bed last night but is was uncomfortable.

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