Sunday, March 23, 2014

Sunday March 23, 2014

Quick weekend update: Saturday: Road my hybrid to Omellete Shop. Bike is three times faster than walking. After breakfast rode around Reeds Lake. Put 14 miles on bike. Took short nap and then Nancy and I drove by several condos for sale. We had dinner at Hall Street Bakery. I had a beer and club sandwich and Nancy had the chicken salad sandwich. We gave it a B. Watched some BB. Finished the evening watching Foyle's War on Netflix. Good to see UM, MSU and UW made the final 16. Sunday: Up at 0700 and get ready for swim. The pool was at max capacity. After swim we head to Meijer's. Gas was $3.75. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. Took a nap and then we resumed our condo search. I emailed a list of condos we want to visit to Realtor. We have had several snow squalls this afternoon. It is now 1650 and I am heading out for a 2 mile walk. This evening will watch some TV before heading up. It is suppose to get down to 14 tonight. We will have two more days of cold weather and then a warm up. Think Spring?

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