Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Wednesday March 12, 2014

Up at 0630 and had to shovel about 1" of new snow. For first time this year the snow was wet and heavy. Got to hospital at 0830. Nancy had spent a bad night. The room was very noisy. Nancy asked for private room. They continue taking tests. Nancy had a heart ultra sound this morning. I left hospital for lunch and to take Ms P out at 1130. I did have a quick breakfast at Bill's. When I got home I took a quick nap. Back at hospital at 1600. Nancy is getting a private room. The testing continues. The Doctor visits this afternoon and they are baffled. At 1700 we move to the private room. Much, much better! I left at 1930 and on way home bought a Subway. The house seems empty without Nancy.

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