Monday, March 3, 2014

Monday March 3, 2014

It is 2009 and I am trying to multi-task, writing this blog and watching a Netflix mystery. It was -6 when I left this morning for the Hall Street Bakery. The Ukraine dominates the news. Despite the cold the pool was full. I had to share a lane. The cold weather tends to drain a car battery. The C2 seems to be working fine but I rarely drive over five miles. I took a long drive to charge up the battery. I also topped off the gas tank. In cold weather an empty gas tank can cause condensation. After a quick lunch Nancy had some errands to run so we all piled in the Taurus. Our first stop was GR Opera. We purchased tickets to Friday's opera. Yes folks the opera. Next we stopped at the Teachers CU so Nancy could make a deposit. Finally we bought a birthday cake at Costco. We are attending a birthday party on Sunday. I did take a short nap. After the nap I bundled up and took at 2.25 miles walk. It was really a beautiful day for a walk. The sun was out but the temperature never got above 12 degrees. Nancy is off the pain pills. She did not experience any pain in her afternoon car ride. We are watching Inspector Foyle on Netflix. Despite the cold we are having signs of Spring are everywhere. The days are much longer and the birds are singing up a storm. Keep a good thought!

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