Monday, March 10, 2014

Monday March 10, 2014

Monday March 10, 2014 I did not get up until 0630 today. Ms P has not made the adjustment to DST. Nancy spent a restful night. Her stomach still hurts but the worst is over. At 0830 I headed to the Hall Street Bakery. The bakery was not very crowded this morning. Has the novelty worn off? I was in the pool at 0955 and swam my 1,500 meters. Stopped at D&W in Breton Village to cash in a winning lottery ticket ($2). I stopped and had a coffee and finished the WSJ. I don’t like the new mayor of NYC. It is a sunny and warm day. mid 40s. The snow is slowly melting. It is now 1355 and I am heading for the dentist. I stopped at the Credit Union on my way home. Took a nap and then a 2 mile. We had a light dinner and watched the news. Where is the plane? Right now we are watching Fowles War on Netflix.

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