Monday, March 31, 2014

Monday March 31, 2014

Last day of March. The temperature reach the 60s today, first time since mid Nov. My shoulder is still bothering me so I have decided to stop swimming for a few days. Had coffee at Hall Street. I picked Nancy up at 0930 and we headed to MVP. Nancy did the machines and I walked two miles on the treadmill. At 1400 our Realtor picked us up. Our first stop was the condo complex in EGR across from Reeds Lake. We were disappointed. The unit was overpriced and the taxes were very high. Also no dogs allowed. Our next stop was Centennial Park. We visited two condos. They were larger than we wanted. Both condos were very near the units we visited last week. We revisited one of these condos and it really moved up our list. It was about the right size. Stay tuned. I ended the afternoon with a ten mile bike ride. We had a light dinner and watched the news. It is now 1950 and as soon as I finish this sentence we will watch a show on Netflix.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Sunday March 30, 2014

Weekend Update: Saturday March 29: I pedaled to the Omelette Shop for an oatmeal breakfast. Nancy was having breakfast with her friend Kathi. After breakfast I pedaled around Reeds Lake. My internal hub that changes gears was acting up so I left the bike with GR Bike in Gaslight Village. I walked home. GR Bike called at 1500 and said the bike was fixed. I walked over and pedaled home. Our neighbor, Dr. Hoekema, was at the bike shop with his young son. He had just purchase his boy a 29". It looked great. At 1730 Nancy and I drove to P.F. Chang's for dinner. We met Ed and Mary Namey. After dinner the Namey's stopped at our house for dessert. Winter's grip is finally easing. Sunday March 30: The stars were bright at 0500 a sign of a great day coming. We left for MVP at 0730. Today Nancy and I did not have to share a lane. Gas today at Meijer's was $3.75. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I read the Sunday's funnies and then took a nap. After the nap I brought up my cruiser bike from the basement and took a 10 mile ride. When I got home Nancy told me that MSU had lost. I was disappointed because I wanted 3 Big Ten teams in the final four. I just hope UM can make it. Nancy is fixing sloppy joes for dinner. We have a busy evening with the UM game, 60' and the GRP. Friday we finished the last episode of Foyle's War. We might watch MI-5 tonight. The Namey's recommend Doc Martin. Today has been a perfect spring day. Bright blue sky with temps in the high 40s. There was a traffic jam on the trail around Reeds Lake.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Friday March 28, 2014

Another typical Friday. Hall St Bakery to have my coffee and read the WSJ. Home at 0930 to pick up Nancy and head to MVP. Nancy did her machines and I swam. I had a quick lunch and then we drove to the ENT Doctor. The Doc said Nancy's salvia gland has nothing to do with her high blood pressure. We called the Realtor and set up an appointment to meet at Lake Bella Vista to see a condo. The condo is right on the lake and appears in good shape. In fact everything was almost too good to be true. The price was about $50,000 less than what I would have guessed and the condo fees were also low. We need to do some research. For dinner we finished the chicken noodle soup Nancy had prepared for Tuesday. It was better the second time. After dinner I took a two mile walk. We watched the news and then the final episode of Foyle's War. I did check on UM/UT BB game on my iPhone. I am just not into BB, although it would be good to see three Big Ten schools in the final four.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Thursday March 27, 2014

Will it never end, it was snowing when I left for the Hall Street Bakery. I read the WSJ and several stories on the problems in Europe. I don't think the USA can do anything to solve the problems with Russia. Actually there is something that would work. Europe should start fracking for natural gas. I picked Nancy up at 1015 and drove her to the hospital. She is working until 1600. The swimming pool at MVP was crowded. All the snow birds have come back to GR. I had a quick lunch and then headed upstairs. I called our Realtor and set up several viewing dates. I also called my computer guru and made an appointment for him to upgrade my windows based desktop. From time to time I need to use a windows based program. Picked up Nancy at 1600. She had spoken to a friend who was also working at the Gift Shop who said her condo unit in downtown GR has a vacancy. The unit is larger than most downtown units. We will get more details. Tonight being Thursday means we will dine at Great Lakes Shipping. It has been snowing/raining all day. If it clears around 1900 I will try and get my 30' in. Not much on TV so we will watch another episode of Foyle's War. Think spring!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Wednesday March 26, 2014

I slept in until 0730 today. Did not go to Hall Street Bakery instead Nancy and I went straight to MVP. Nancy worked the machines and I used the rowing machine and treadmill. Nancy had to work at Meijer's Garden this afternoon. We dropped her off at 1300 and then ran some errands. I bought V8 juice, apples and shower cleaner. We dropped our tax info off at our CPA. I also looked at two condos that just came on the market and rejected both. For the first time this year Ms P and I walked a mile. Picked up Nancy at 1630 and we drove North to Lake Bella Vista to look at a condo on the Lake. We want to see the interior. We will have a light dinner and then watch the news. At 1900 I will take a 2 mile walk. It does not get dark until 2000. We will finish the evening watching another episode of Foyle's War.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

TuesdayMarch 25, 2014

Went out at 0500 and found over an inch of snow on the ground. I shoveled the walk and drive for the last time this winter, I hope. Coffee at Hall Street Bakery. Picked up Nancy at 0930 and took her to the hospital to work in Gift Shop. I went swimming and on my way home I stopped at Hall St Bakery, bought some 50% off scones and a baguette for dinner tonight. I picked Nancy up at 1200. After a quick lunch Nancy and I went with our Realtor on a tour of four condos. We rejected two and put two on our possible list. All condos were in SE GR. I ended the afternoon with a short nap. Nancy fixed a chicken noodle soup in the crock pot. It was great especially with the baguette. We watched the news and then I took a two mile walk. We watched NCIS. It is now 2142 and I am heading upstairs.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Monday March 24, 2014

At 0430 the stars were bright and the sky was clear and cold, 9. At 0830 when I left for the Hall Street Bakery it was snowing. I picked up Nancy at 0930 and we headed to MVP. Nancy used the machines and I swam 1,500 meters. After a quick lunch I walked the dog around the block and then Nancy and I headed to Woodland Mall. Nancy had some shopping to do. I walked around the Mall. Usually Macy's and J. Crew have some clothes that I like. It appears that these stores have abandoned mature men. I took a two mile walk. All the sidewalks are now clear. I also took a short nap. It is now 1755 and I am retyping this blog for the second time. My original draft headed to never never land. Tonight we will have a light dinner and then watch the news. I will take some time to assemble our tax data. Before going upstairs we will watch another episode of Foyle's War. We are awaiting an email from our Realtor to see if tomorrow afternoon we will visit some condos on our list. Stay tuned!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Sunday March 23, 2014

Quick weekend update: Saturday: Road my hybrid to Omellete Shop. Bike is three times faster than walking. After breakfast rode around Reeds Lake. Put 14 miles on bike. Took short nap and then Nancy and I drove by several condos for sale. We had dinner at Hall Street Bakery. I had a beer and club sandwich and Nancy had the chicken salad sandwich. We gave it a B. Watched some BB. Finished the evening watching Foyle's War on Netflix. Good to see UM, MSU and UW made the final 16. Sunday: Up at 0700 and get ready for swim. The pool was at max capacity. After swim we head to Meijer's. Gas was $3.75. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. Took a nap and then we resumed our condo search. I emailed a list of condos we want to visit to Realtor. We have had several snow squalls this afternoon. It is now 1650 and I am heading out for a 2 mile walk. This evening will watch some TV before heading up. It is suppose to get down to 14 tonight. We will have two more days of cold weather and then a warm up. Think Spring?

Friday, March 21, 2014

Friday March 21, 2014

Even retired folks say "Thank God it's Friday". Up at 0630, coffee at Hall Street Bakery. I think the Bakery has become a meeting place for Woman's Groups. Five groups of women were meeting this morning. Each group had four women. I picked up Nancy at 0930 and we headed to MVP. I went swimming and Nancy did the machines. We had a 1330 meeting with our Realtor today. He prepared a report on real estate sales in the OHNA. Based on all the data he gave us a recommended sale price for the house. It is lower that what I thought but he is probably right. We also have a list of condos available. Nancy and I have some work to do. After the meeting we got in the Taurus and headed to Costco. One of our purchases was a chicken for tonight's dinner. GR Bike called and said my bike was ready. I walked over to the shop. I rode the bike home. Tonight we will watch the news and some NCAA BB. We are also going to fit in another episode of Foyle's War. It got up to 42 today with bright sun. The snow is slowly melting. The roads are clear enough to ride a bike.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Thursday March 20, 2014

Spring arrives at noon today. In keeping with the winter we awoke with a new layer of snow. After coffee I picked up Nancy at 0945 and drove her to the Hospital. I then went swimming. Nancy worked until 1300. After we got home I got on my hybrid bike and headed to the GR Bike Company In Gaslight to get a tune up for the bike. I walked home. I took a short nap. We had dinner tonight at Great Lakes Shipping. We are switching between the UM BB game and Netflix's Foyles' War.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Wednesday March 19, 2014

Breakfast Club Wednesday. Up at 0600 and head downtown in the rain. It is suppose to rain all day today. Snow possible tomorrow. Today's Speaker is the Chairman of the Kent County Board of Supervisors. He bragged about the county's stellar credit rating, triple A and what good money managers they are. Only 24 folks were in attendance this morning. After BC I came right home and picked up Nancy. We spent about an hour at MVP. I did not go swimming today but did walk on the tread mill. I stopped by Hall Street Bakery for my morning coffee and WSJ. Nancy has to work at the Gardens this afternoon. We drove her and then I took a 30' nap. I walked Ms P around the block and continued on my standard 2 mile walk. I also did a load of laundry. Picked up Nancy at 1615. Nancy has book club this evening so I am going out for pizza with Tom and Ed. We might have time to watch a Netflix show before retiring. I got my 30 in today did you?

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Tuesday March 18, 2014

We had a full moon this morning. When I left for the Hall St Bakery the sun was out and temperatures are expected to reach the mid 40s. The snow will soon be gone. I stopped at the house at 0930 and drove Nancy to the Gift Shop. She is meeting with several vendors. I had my pick of lanes when I started swimming this morning. I thought I was really moving but my time was the same as Sun and Mon. After lunch I picked Nancy up at the hospital. This afternoon we met with a realtor. He inspected the house and took some notes on what we want in a condo. The Realtor estimates that the house will sell in 30 days. That means we have to have a new place picked out soon. I walked to the post office this afternoon. I also walked Ms P around the block. Most of the sidewalks are cleared of ice. Tomorrow I will ride my bike. Tonight I am having hot dogs and tomato soup for dinner. I will read the GRP and watch NCIS. No Netflix tonight. Yesterday I called an old high school buddy and asked if he remembered Jerry Kendziorski's mother buying us green beer for St Pat's day in 56. He said that he did remember. I forgot to mention yesterday that March 17, 1938 was my Great grandfather Sanborn's 83rd birthday. His diary mentioned that Aunt Julia had the church dinner and made $16. GGF worked in the Ossineke Post Office in the afternoon.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Monday March 17, 2014

Happy St. Patrick's Day. Up at 0630 and did the normal at-home thing. Had my coffee at Hall Street Bakery. Read the WSJ. The Crimea Election has put the USA in a difficult position. Sanctions would probably do more harm than good. After coffee I stopped by home and got Nancy. We headed to MVP. Nancy used the machines and I went swimming. We came straight home after the workout. I took a short nap, walked Ms P around block and took a 2 mile walk. Spent some time inputting relatives into family tree. Today I put Dad's cousin Robert Rayburn into the the family tree. We will have a light dinner and then some TV. St. Patrick's Day, 1956. Gerry Kendziorski invited several of his friends over to his house. We were all seniors at AHS. Gerry's mother bought us some green beer. This is the first time a parent had bought beer for our group. We also had baloney sandwich. The baloney was green as was the bread. We did not over indulge. It was a great evening.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Sunday March 16, 2014

Sunday, a Bob and Nancy swim day. We got in the pool at 0800 and we shared a lane. While still in the parking lot at MVP, Nancy called Grand Hotel and booked two nights in May. Gas at Meijer's was $3.74. Returned 37 bottles. I think Michigan's bottle law works great. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I took my Sunday nap and then walked Ms P around the block. Today was bright and sunny. However, the temps were cold. 10 in morning and 22 in PM. I also took a 2 mile walk. I turned the pedometer on and my walk route is 2.07 miles. A perfect distance. I only watched a few minutes of the UM/MSU game. Just as well, UM got blown out. Nancy is fixing beans and rice for dinner. We will continue to watch Foyle's War on Netflix. Today the hours of daylight and night are almost equal. A good sign.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Saturday March 15, 2014

March 15, the Ides of March: Up at 0630 have a busy day ahead. Take Taurus into the Ford Garage for an oil change. It opens at 0800 and I got there at 0745 and already several folks ahead of me. It took an hour to perform the work. When I got home I loaded up the lawn mower and headed to Alger Hardware. Nancy joined me. While I was checking in the mower for its annual checkup Nancy was buying grapes at Ken's Fresh Fruit. Stopped at Breton Village, Nancy visited Talbots and I bought a pooper scooper at Pet Smart. Worked on my hybrid bike today. It is ready for Spring. Spent time paying bills then drove Nancy to hospital so she could pick up some papers. Walked to post office and then added a two mile walk. Nancy and I capped the afternoon with a trip around the block. Nancy is feeling better today. Missy and AJ called Nancy this afternoon. They wanted to know how she was doing. We had dinner with the Moleskis. We ate at Arnie's on Leonard. It was a pleasant evening. Right now we are watching Foyle's War on Netflix. I am hooked on English Police Dramas.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Friday March 14, 2014

Good to have Nancy home. I get up at 0630 and do calisthenics. Had my coffee at Hall Street Bakery. Get in pool at MVP at 0955. Swam my normal 1,500 meters. Get home at 1115 and we all get in car and head to Costco. We restocked our paper supplies and I bought some Guinness Draught. Also stopped at battery shop so I could buy some batteries for the speedometers on my three bikes. I put new batteries in at the start of the season. I wasted an hour playing games so I deleted all games on the iPhone, iPad and air. Walked Ms P around block and then took a two mile walk. It was 52 this afternoon and a lot of melting is going on. We gave Ms P a bath. She had an air about her. Dinner tonight at Red Robin and then we will visit Kohl's and Barnes and Noble. Probably end the evening watching another episode of Fowles War. I got my 30 in today.

Thursday March 13, 2014

Up at 0630 and do modified calisthenics. Got to hospital at 0830, Nancy spent restful night. All the tests that Nancy has taken are normal. She is discharged at noon. We arrive at heart doctor's office at 1300. Nancy is fitted for a heart monitor. She has to wear it for a month. She also cannot drive for six months. We get back to normal by having dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. We watch Fowles War on Netflix.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Wednesday March 12, 2014

Up at 0630 and had to shovel about 1" of new snow. For first time this year the snow was wet and heavy. Got to hospital at 0830. Nancy had spent a bad night. The room was very noisy. Nancy asked for private room. They continue taking tests. Nancy had a heart ultra sound this morning. I left hospital for lunch and to take Ms P out at 1130. I did have a quick breakfast at Bill's. When I got home I took a quick nap. Back at hospital at 1600. Nancy is getting a private room. The testing continues. The Doctor visits this afternoon and they are baffled. At 1700 we move to the private room. Much, much better! I left at 1930 and on way home bought a Subway. The house seems empty without Nancy.

Tuesday March 11, 2014

Up at 0630 and do normal calisthenics. At 1000 had an appointment with Doctor who had performed Nancy's knee surgery. In the Doctor's office Nancy had several blood pressure episodes. Good thing we are meeting with the heart Doc this afternoon. We met with the heart Doc at 1400. They took Nancy's BP and the Doc looked over Nancy's BP log. He recommended that we head to Butterworth Emergency for several tests. Bottom line all tests were good but Nancy kept overnight. I left hospital at 2130.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Monday March 10, 2014

Monday March 10, 2014 I did not get up until 0630 today. Ms P has not made the adjustment to DST. Nancy spent a restful night. Her stomach still hurts but the worst is over. At 0830 I headed to the Hall Street Bakery. The bakery was not very crowded this morning. Has the novelty worn off? I was in the pool at 0955 and swam my 1,500 meters. Stopped at D&W in Breton Village to cash in a winning lottery ticket ($2). I stopped and had a coffee and finished the WSJ. I don’t like the new mayor of NYC. It is a sunny and warm day. mid 40s. The snow is slowly melting. It is now 1355 and I am heading for the dentist. I stopped at the Credit Union on my way home. Took a nap and then a 2 mile. We had a light dinner and watched the news. Where is the plane? Right now we are watching Fowles War on Netflix.

Sunday March 9, 2014

Sunday March 9, 2014 Up at 0700 and got ready for our swim. It was 14 degrees when we left for MVP. Swimming seems to be helping Nancy in her recovery from knee surgery. Gas at Meijer’s today was $3.71. Most of our purchases were packaged foods. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. At noon I headed to Costco to pick up a birthday cake. Costco is crowded Sunday mornings. Took a short nap. It is now 1530 and we are heading to Tim’s birthday party at the Moleksi’s. Stay tuned. We had just gotten to the Moleski’s when Nancy fell ill. We came right home. Nancy went directly to bed. I fixed a light dinner and then watched several US TV shows on Netflix. They were not very good. When I went to bed at 2200 Nancy was sound asleep.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Saturday March 8, 2014

Slept in until 0730. Walked to the Omelette Shop for their oatmeal breakfast. When I got home we all got in the Taurus and started condo viewing. We stuck to NE GR today. We need help with our search, next week will call old neighbor Jack Lensink. I did take a short nap and then walked two miles. We had dinner at Russ's. I had the hot turkey sandwich. Nancy had chicken rice soup and a salad. Watched Inspector Fowles on Netflix. DST starts tomorrow so I fixed several clocks. Channel surfing last night and on Fox Sports I saw the last of the motocross race from Datona. My Brother-in-law's Grandson Andrew Short won the race. I called my Sister to tell her.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Friday March 7, 2014

Friday March 7, 2014 Up at 0630. Calisthenics at home Had coffee at Hall Street Bakery, read WSJ. Putin has pushed Syria, Iran and Thailand off front page PIck up Nancy at 0930 and head to MVP. We both are swimming today. We are in pool at 0955 After swim, ran errands. Stopped at Dollar Store, TJ Max, and Ken’s Fresh Fruits. Beautiful day with sun and temps above 40, heavy melting Took nap and then spent some time uncovering street drain. Tonight we are going to Opera Nancy fixed shrimp/pasta dish for dinner, very tasty 1900 left for Opera at EGR High School Opera was written by Mozark, a comedy Home by 2200

Thursday March 6, 2014

Up at 0630 Calisthenics at home Coffee at Hall Street Bakery, read the WSJ Pick Nancy up at 1000 and take her to hospital gift shop In pool at 1045 and swam 1500 meters Sunny day with temperature in the mid 20s Pick up Nancy at 1400 Took a nap and 2 mile walk Dinner at Great Lakes Shipping Watched a British Police Drama on Netflix. Story takes place during WWII, 1940. Upstairs at 2200

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Wednesday March 5, 2014

Wednesday March 5, 2014: Breakfast Club today. Up at 0600 and on my way by 0630. Small turnout today which is too bad because we had a great speaker. She was a graduate of Albion College and is the marketing director for Hudsonville Ice Cream. Hudsonville which is a very popular brand in West Michigan has been slowly expanding around the Great Lakes. It is a great success story for a small business with only 30 employees. After BC I stopped at the Wealthy Street Bakery to get a coffee and read the WSJ. I had a 1030 GR Building Authority meeting today. I got to City Hall early so I walked down to the Plaza Towers to get some information on their apartments and condos. Nancy and I might like living downtown. Today’s meeting was short. With the slowdown in the economy we do not have any building projects. At 1230 I drove Nancy to Meijer Gardens for her afternoon shift. When I got home I took a two mile walk. It is now 1518 and I am heading to a Doctor’s appointment. The Doctor’s appointment lasted until 1645 so I was 45’ late in picking up Nancy at the Gardens. When I got home I went on another 2 mile walk. We had a light dinner and then watched the news. It is now 1941 and at 2000 we will watch another Netflix show.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Tuesday March 4, 2014

Today my mother would be 107 years old. The one special birthday I remember was during WW II. My dad was working for the Army in Chicago. Dad sent mother a great big package. The package was wrapped in the Sunday funnies. I spent an afternoon reading the funnies. The cold weather continues. It was in single digits when I went out at 0500, but no snow. When I left for the Hall Street Bakery at 0830 we had about 1/4" of new snow. At 0920 I packed up and headed home. I drove Nancy to the Hospital to work in the gift shop. Nancy is slowly getting better. Today she removed her elastic wrap and showered and then replaced the wrap. No pills yesterday. The pool was crowded this morning. I had to share a lane. The car was very dirty so I drove it through a car wash. I shoveled the walk when I got home. Nancy's friend brought us several Packzi. A Packzi is a Polish sweet roll eaten on Fat Tuesday, the day before the start of Lent. They are tasty. Nancy called at 1330 saying she was ready to come home. Ms P and I hopped in the Taurus and picked her up. I took a short nap, paid some bills and read the meeting notes for tomorrow's GR Building Authority meeting. It is now 1700 and I will take a 2 mile walk when I finish this blog. Snow fall in Michigan has been record setting this winter. Calumet in the UP has had over 240". In GR we have had over 110". But my hometown, Alpena, has had only 60". This lack of snow is blamed on ice cover over the lakes. However, it has been cold in Alpena. In Feb they had 15 days where the temperature was below 0. Nancy is fixing stuffed pork chops for dinner. We will watch some TV and read the GRP before heading upstairs. I got Netflix to work on my mini. I tried watching show in bed last night but is was uncomfortable.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Monday March 3, 2014

It is 2009 and I am trying to multi-task, writing this blog and watching a Netflix mystery. It was -6 when I left this morning for the Hall Street Bakery. The Ukraine dominates the news. Despite the cold the pool was full. I had to share a lane. The cold weather tends to drain a car battery. The C2 seems to be working fine but I rarely drive over five miles. I took a long drive to charge up the battery. I also topped off the gas tank. In cold weather an empty gas tank can cause condensation. After a quick lunch Nancy had some errands to run so we all piled in the Taurus. Our first stop was GR Opera. We purchased tickets to Friday's opera. Yes folks the opera. Next we stopped at the Teachers CU so Nancy could make a deposit. Finally we bought a birthday cake at Costco. We are attending a birthday party on Sunday. I did take a short nap. After the nap I bundled up and took at 2.25 miles walk. It was really a beautiful day for a walk. The sun was out but the temperature never got above 12 degrees. Nancy is off the pain pills. She did not experience any pain in her afternoon car ride. We are watching Inspector Foyle on Netflix. Despite the cold we are having signs of Spring are everywhere. The days are much longer and the birds are singing up a storm. Keep a good thought!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Sunday March 2, 2014

Weekend Update: Saturday March 1, 2014: In most years we would say March came in like a lion. But with the winter we have been having this year last night's snow and cold temperatures was just a normal day. I kind of slept in so I did not shovel before going to breakfast. I walked to the Omelette Shop. I had to wait about five minutes. I had their oatmeal breakfast. I also read the WSJ. Russia is certainly taking a big risky step by it actions in Crimea. I know Crimea played an important part in Russian history but I was totally ignorant. I read the wikipedia version of the Crimean War. Putin has pushed the troubles in Syria and Thailand off the front pages. I shoveled after I got home from breakfast. Nancy is still recovering. She had quite a bit of pain today. The pills seem to work. Nancy's friend Kathi stopped by for a visit. I finished the afternoon with a 2.1 mile walk. For dinner I drove to Olga's in Gaslight to get some of their peasant soup. We watched some of the UM basketball game. Debbie face timed us. This is a great way to talk with family. Debbie recommended we watch Side Effects on Netflix. We did. I opened my bottle of 15 year old Springbank scotch. I enjoy sipping scotch especially since it is made in Great grandfather McTavish's home town. Sunday March 2: We got to sleep in today because the pool at MVP is closed. We got another 1" of snow last night. I shoveled the walks before going to the Kava House to get us scones and coffee. We are having scrambled eggs and ham for dinner tonight. I read the funnies and then took a shopping list Nancy had prepared and headed to Meijer's. Gas today was $3.75. Since I slept in today I did not take my normal Sunday nap. I worked some in my office and then took a 2.1 mile walk. It is now 1622 and I am headed out for another walk. This time about 1.75 mile. After dinner we will watch 60 Minutes and then some Netflix. Good news, Nancy has not needed a pain pill today. She did take a shower. We removed her bandages and after the shower rewrapped her knee with a compression wrap.