Thursday, February 7, 2013

Thursday February 7, 2013

It has been a week since I have written this blog. Thursday morning January 31, this afternoon Nancy and I are catching a flight to Phoenix, Az. Before we go I have to shovel the walk. We had snow last night. In fact I shoveled twice before leaving. We took the C2 to the airport. Our flight from GR to Chicago went on schedule as did our flight from Chicago to Phoenix. We arrived about 2000. We pick up our rental car and then drove to Tucson. It was pitch black so I could not see the country side. It takes about 90 minutes. We are staying with my sister and brother in law Don. I got turned around trying to find Helen's home so I used my iphone for help. It worked great. Helen and Don were waiting for us. Friday February 1 was an easy day. I walked to a coffee shop to read my papers. In the evening we went out to eat at a Mexican restaurant. The food was good. Saturday morning we are all up at 0600. At 0700 we pile in the rental and head to Douglas, Az for the funeral of Veronica Robles Scott's mother, Martha. The funeral was held at a small catholic church. My Grandson Lucas Scott gave a reading. He did a great job as did Veronica. I could not help but think how times have changed. Five generations ago my ancestors were shooting Catholics in Ireland. I am glad to see that we are all more tolerant. After the service we all headed for the Gadsen Hotel for lunch. The Gadsen is on the National List of Historic Places. Several movies have been filmed in the Hotel. Veronica's aunt pointed out that Poncho Villa's horse chipped the marble stairs. In the early 1900s US General Pershing chased Villa all over the southwest. He never did catch him. The lunch was great and I had to opportunity to talk with Martha's brother and two sisters. I also talked with several of Martha' friends. Funeral's are sad affairs but I think it is important to have a proper sendoff. Today's events captured this. May you rest in peace Martha. Saturday night Helen fixed us a light meal. We watched the UM/IU basketball game. Sunday morning Helen and Nancy headed to the Gem show. Don and I went out to breakfast. Helen showed me a free pedometer program she downloaded to her iphone. I downloaded the program and took a walk. The program works great. We watched the Superbowl. Helen fixed chicken wings and shrimp to snack on during the game. It was very tasty. Monday morning and Nancy and I leave Tucson at 0800 and head to Phoenix. The flight home was uneventful. We got home about 2030. The walk was shoveled. Today is AJ's birthday she is five. We called and talked briefly to AJ. Happy fifth AJ. Tuesday and Wednesday we are slowly getting back to normal. I did go to Breakfast Club on Wednesday. We had a light turnout. Thursday morning and I looked out the window expecting to see snow. However, the TV weather folks say that the snow will not start until about 1100. I drove to the MAC on dry roads. When I looked out the window as I was leaving the MAC the snow was falling. Instead of going home and then walking to the Kava House I drove to Breton Village and read my papers. It was still snowing hard when I left. At home I had a quick lunch and then headed out to shovel. We had about five inches on the ground. Ms P came out and I had to throw the ball to her. The snow was so deep that she became covered with snow and cold. I used a towel to dry her off. I shoveled the walk twice. Tonight instead of going to Great Lakes Shipping we are staying home. Nancy is fixing her hamburger and baked bean dish. After dinner I will shovel and then watch Person of Interest.

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