Friday, February 22, 2013

Friday February 22, 2013

I stepped outside at 0500 and found 5" of snow. Nancy and I went out at 0715 and started to shovel. We were done by 0815. When I came out at 0930 to drive to the MAC another inch of snow had fallen. I was tired but I did all my routine today. I drove to the Kava House and put my money in the meter. I had not eaten breakfast so I broke down and had a scone. It was good. Because of the 1 hour limit on the meter I did not have time to finish the WSJ. Kim came today to clean the house. We packed Ms P in the Taurus and drove to Costco. Nancy had some photos printed and I bought a bottle of wine. After Costco we stopped by Macatawa Bank and opened a checking account. For dinner tonight we cleaned out the refrigerator. We watched the news and then I took Ms P around the block. It was such a nice winter's evening that I then took a mile walk. We are expecting another inch of snow over night. It is now 2051 and I am headed downstairs to watch CSI NY. After all our snow shoveling we will head upstairs after the show. I did get my 30 in today. Did you?

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