Friday, February 8, 2013

Friday February 8, 2013

I shoveled before going to bed last night but we still had 6 inches of new snow this morning. Nancy commented as we were shoveling that we are the oldest folks on the block and the only one without a snowblower. Is she trying to tell me something? All the schools were closed today including EGR. When we got done, Nancy headed to the MAC and I headed downstairs to do my at home routine. I was getting ready to head to the MAC when the plows came down the street and I had to spent another 30 minutes shoveling. Our neighbor has a snow plow service and he leaves a big pile of snow in front of our drive. Of course the EGR plows put in our drive. Nancy called the neighbor to complain and I hope this is the end of our problem. After the MAC I drove to the Kava House. The President is trying to prove his environmental credentials by appointing an extreme environmentalist to the Interior post. When I got home I ran several errands. Tonight we are going to Brann's for a birthday party. Becky Verkers new husband turns 70 today. My mirosoft word program is acting up. I miss spell check. After all the snow of the past two days we finally had a sunny day. Today was a perfect winter's day. I got my 30 in today.

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