Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Wednesday February 20, 2013

Another cold, windy day in GR. The temperature was in the mid teens at 0500 and at 2000 it is 21 with light snow. This morning I had breakfast club. Most of folks wore their coats for breakfast because the Women's Civic Club had a furnace malfunction. The speaker this morning was from the MDEQ. He talked about fracking in MI. It was a very good talk. After breakfast I drove home and grabbed my Kindle and walked to the Kava House. The financial mess in Detroit made both the WSJ and DFP. I was surprised how strong the DFP wants an emergency manager. The mess in Detroit is criminal. I hope the State does not bail Detroit out. After the Kava House I walked over to Gaslight Village. The wind made walking difficult. 53rd Bank sent us a letter saying they were changing their checking accounts. I talked to the bank folks and the bottom line is that a checking account will now cost $11 per month. We now pay nothing for our two accounts. I was so depressed that I stopped at the new Woolrich store and bought $50 of merchandise. I always feel better when I make a personal purchase. I spent most of the afternoon going over some old family photos. I scanned a bunch of photos. Working on family stuff is a pleasant way to spent a winter's afternoon. I did walk Ms P around the block. We both got cold so we did not dilly dally. Nancy worked a Meijer's Garden this afternoon. I was surprised that the Garden was busy this afternoon. Nancy said they are getting some butterflies. The butterfly exhibit does not usually start until March. I watched some news before coming upstairs to write this blog. Not much on TV this evening so I will probably read a National Geographic magazine from last year. I am catching up. I got my 30 in today.

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