Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Tuesday February 19, 2013

It was 43 and raining last night at 2100. It was 36 at 0430 and it was 23 and snowing at 0700. the wind speed was over 20 mph. The drive had a thin layer of ice so I salted before going to the MAC. Nancy has some hospital business to attend to this morning so she is not going to the MAC. I did my tri this morning. I had the pool all to myself. After the MAC I stopped at Breton Village to have a coffee and read the WSJ and DFP. An editorial in the DFP said the only way to save Detroit is for the Governor to appoint an emergency financial manager. Later today the Governor announced that he is appointing a FM. I keep thinking the financial difficulties that the US is having could be solved if the powers that be adopted the Simpson-Bowles recommendations. It is not that hard people. High School wrestling in Iowa is like basketball in Indiana. The state is up in arms about the elimination of wrestling in the Olympics. Iowa's congressional delegation is wanting legislation to reinstate the sport. I happen to agree. When I got home it was still snowing hard. I had a quick lunch and then headed upstairs. I did take a quick nap. Nancy is having the OHNA meeting at our house tonight. I headed outside at 1600 to shovel the walk. It was still snowing and blowing. It took an hour to complete the walk. For dinner tonight Nancy fixed meatloaf. A perfect meal for a cold winter's night. It was 16 when I went out at 1900 to shovel. I shoveled the walk and also salted. Don't want neighbor slipping and falling. I am now going to watch the MSU/IU basketball game and NCIS. We are expecting another 2" of snow tonight.

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