Thursday, February 21, 2013

Thursday February 21, 2013

It was cold at 0500 this morning but no snow to shovel. I continue to drive to the MAC. The streets are not clear, espesially the minor streets in GR. I did the tri today. Only one other person in the pool. I did 1050 yards in 31'. Nancy also went swimming today. But she was long gone when I got in the pool. After the MAC I stopped by Macatawa Bank to ask about their checking accounts and whether they charge a monthly fee. 53rd is starting to charge a monthly fee. I stopped by Breton Village to drink coffee and read the papers. It looks like the Feds are having some second thoughts about their low interest rate policy. I would like to see higher interest rates. The current policy penalizes savers and awards spenders. Are the Chinese hackers a serious threat? If you read the papers you would think we are under a serious attack. I don't know. What happens if congress cannot reach an agreement on the budget by March 1. The President says the sky will fall. I don't think so. I did not get home until almost 1400. After a quick lunch I headed upstairs and started plotting my move out of 53rd bank. I also sorted some old Scott family photos. I will start scanning these photos tomorrow. I have some photos that show the tar paper shack my Dad amd family lived in. Every winter my Grandfather would build a lumber camp in northern MN. The camps were only temporary but during holidays and school vacations my Grandmother would take the kids to the camp to spend time with Grandfather. No indoor plumbing in the camps. I just took Ms P around the block and then took a 2 mile walk. Tonight we are going to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. I will read the GRP and watch Person of Interest before heading upstairs.

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