Monday, February 25, 2013

Monday February 25, 2013

Last night we had a beautiful full moon. The temperature was in the teens early this morning but when the sun came up it warmed things up fast. It is now 1700 and the temperature is 41 with a bright sun. I did my normal routine this morning. After the MAC I drove home and walked to the Kava House. Nancy had a doctor's appointment this morning. I read the WSJ and DFP but found nothing that I would like to comment on. I had a quick a lunch and then headed upstairs to spend some time on the computer. I found out how to get my Kent County retirement check sent to another bank. I also had an e-mail that said it was a credit card fraud alert from Chase. I checked my account and everything looked ok. I called Chase and they said the email was probably someone phising (sp?). They said delete the email and don't worry about it. Of course I am worrying about it. About 1500 I got my snow shovel and cleaned out the driveway. The plow had gone through earlier and plugged the drive. I then took Ms P around the block and finished my outside activities with a 1.5 mile walk. This evening we will have a light dinner and then watch the news and maybe a rerun. I continue to get caught up on back issues of National Geographic. I am now reading July 2012. A big storm is suppose to roll through tomorrow dumping 6 inches of snow. Stay tuned.

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