Monday, February 18, 2013

Monday February 18, 2013

The day started at 0430. Nature called for Ms P and myself. It was sunny when I drove to the MAC. I gave some thought to riding my bike but decided I should wait until more snow and ice melts. The MAC was really crowded this morning. I wonder how many folks had President's Day off? After the MAC I drove home and then walked to the Kava House. The NYSE is closed today so the WSJ was not printed. I bought a USA Today. I had difficulty reading USAT because the print is so small. On the Kindle I can change print size. I did read the DFP. Our Governor, who I like, is having a hard time reining in the crazy fringe of Republican party. They want to take money away from any University that does stem cell research. They think using science to cure disease via stem cell research is immoral. I have a major problem with this thinking. The fringe also wants us to be able to carry guns into church and bars. Guns in a bar, good grief. On my walk home I noted that clouds were moving in. We are expecting rain later today and then falling temperatures with snow. I got a letter from our security alarm folks saying I should test the alarm. I spent about 30 minutes checking the alarms at all doors. Everything works fine. To settle Ms P down from all the alarm noise I had to walk her around the block. Credit rating firms have been in the news lately. Most of the news has not been favorable to the credit firms. This afternoon I ran my free credit check. My credit was ok but I did not like their attempt to sign me up for more service. Almost every free internet service gives you just a little info but for a fee you can get the real thing. Today is President's Day. Did you know that it is also called Washington's Birthday. In 1971 Congress moved Washington's Birthday to the third Monday in February and called President's Day. I read an article that discussed books written by Presidents. US Grant's "Personal Memoir" is considered the best. I download the book.

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