Saturday, February 16, 2013

Saturday February 16, 2013

It was real cold when I went out at 0430. The temperature was in the low teens and we had received a dusting of snow. At 0730 Nancy and I went out and cleaned the walks. I walked to Bill's for breakfast. It was a nice winter's morning. I had their Super Breakfast. The WSJ has been reporting on TB in India. A strain of TB has developed in this country that is resistant to anti biotics. It is really scary. After breakfast I walked across the street to Rylees. They were getting ready to put up their gardening tools. I priced a snow blower. The smallest blower cost $499. I will keep shoveling. I then walked to the old mower store on Fulton. It is now an Ada Bike shop. I wanted to see if they had a Raleigh bike that I saw in a recent Men's Journal. They had the bike but I was disappointed. I then walked home through Wilcox Park. The Eastown neighborhood is undergoing a transformation. It is a hot area for young couples. Several new restaurants and shops have opened up in the area. I walked about 7 miles this morning. When I got home Nancy was doing the laundry. We purchased a washing machine in 1987 from Gerritt's. The machine is starting to act up. After Nancy finished we got in the Taurus and drove to Gerritt's. We looked at a top loading Speedqueen. I was surprised that it was not that much more expensive than in 1987. We also stopped at Lowe's to see what they had. We will stick with Gerritt's. Our final stop was at Rouseau's. We bought several bottles of red wine. I was going to take a nap but I started reading my book and spent my nap time reading. My Kindle says I am 95% done. Tonight we are going to Zoup's for a bowl of soup. Nancy surprised me Thursday night with a list of things to do for my 75th. I was really surprised. The list has everything I would want to do. The list includes, a trip to Marseille, France, Vicksburg, Mississippi, a stay at the Grand Hotel on Mackinaw Island, Ireland, Washington DC and a four day road trip. She also included a trip to Cuba with Road's Scholars. I now have 24 hours to pick two. No wonder Nancy is the love of my life.

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