Thursday, February 14, 2013

Thursday February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day. When I was in grade school we exchanged Valentine cards. In an effort at fairness we had to get a card for everyone in the class. It was always fun to get home and go over your cards hoping the maybe Mary Joe gave you a special card. This morning as I sat at the Kava House reading my papers I got a facetime call from AJ. She wished me a Happy Valentine Day. It was special. The day started normally. I am still driving to the MAC because the roads are too bad to ride the bike. I did my tri today. I swam my 1050 yards in 31 minutes, a good time for me. The weather folks said today would be dark and gloomy but the sun was out this morning. After the MAC I drove home and walked to the Kava House. The WSJ still is higly critical of the President and the programs he proposed in his STOU. I am not that critical as long as there is money to pay for the programs. I am critical of his choice for Secretary of Interior. She is against any mineral extraction or commerical use of public lands. Why can't we log on public lands. Trees are renewalable. I also like hydroelectric dams. No carbon footprint, water for public consumption, irrigation and recreation. It was raining on my walk home. After a quick lunch I headed upstairs to catch up on some reading. I enjoy my time reading in the office. It is a great way to spend a winter's afternoon. Nancy did not go to the MAC because she had a doctor's and dentist appointment this morning. This evening we are going to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. We are going early to beat the Valentine crowd. Tonight we will watch Person of Interest before heading upstairs. Tomorrow morning we will have to shovel, if the weather folks are right. Think Spring.

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