Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Wednesday February 27, 2013

Last night I went out at 1900 and shoveled the walk. The snow was very heavy and about 5" thick. It was a good move because this morning when I went out at 0600 we had received another 5 inches. The EGR plows had been through and plugged our drive. I started shoveling and was not done until 0800. Today is my easy day so I walked to Wolfgang's for breakfast. Wolfgang's is rated the best place in GR for breakfast. I do not agree. Bill's is cheaper and better. I did not go to Bill's because I did not want to walk 2.4 miles through deep snow. The WSJ had an article on how new home sales are booming while sales of existing homes are lagging. New homes cost about 30% more than an existing home but apparently builders can get buyers financing. Go figure? After breakfast I walked to 53rd in Gaslight to use the ATM. On my way home I stopped at GR Bike Company. The GR Bike shop in EGR just opened. The main store is on East Paris. I wanted to know if they had a mechanic on duty. They said yes so I guess I will get my tune-ups in EGR. It is very convenient. After lunch I took a short nap and then did some exercises. I walked Ms P around the block and then spent some time on the computer. After a light dinner we will watch some TV before heading upstairs. The UM/PSU game starts at 0630. 75 years ago in Ossineke, Mi my great grandfather wrote in his diary that the temperatures were in the mid 30s. He also noted that he sold a lot located in his oat field. He sold it for $5 to Ed Schuske When was the last time someone paid $5 for a lot.

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