Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Tuesday February 26, 2013

All the weather folks said we have a storm coming our way. It was cloudy and windy when I headed to the MAC. I hurried through my program and drove right home. I needed to get my 30 in for today so I walked to the Kava House. The stock market took a dive yesterday because of the Italian election. I have a problem figuring that out. The President and congress continue to argue about the sequester. Three weeks ago I did not even know what sequester meant. As I was reading my paper I got a facetime message from Missy. She had been reading yesterday's blog and recommended that I change some passwords just to be sure that the folks phishing cannot get access to my accounts. Isn't facetime great? The President continues his "chicken little" talks. I thought Ms Obama should not have given an award at the Academy Awards. A report in the DFP said that Detroit's pension costs will consume $0.83 of every dollar. Another report said things were not that bad. Who are you going to believe? The wind had really picked up on my ride home. I was going to take Ms P around the block when I finished lunch. I looked out the door and it was raining, so no walk. It is now 1800 and the snow is starting to accumulate. Olive oil is in the news. A diet heavy in olive oil and wine will let me live forever. We are not having any olive oil this evening. Nancy is fixing chickens nuggets for dinner. Of course to be healthy I will drink some wine. Tonight we will watch NCIS before heading upstairs. I see that CBS is the top rated network. All my favorite shows are on CBS.

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