Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Wednesday January 30, 2012

It rained last night. The warm weather continues. It was in the 40s and foggy when I drove Nancy to the MAC. Today is my easy day so I walked from the MAC to the Omelette Shop for their oatmeal breakfast. I keep reading about the Democrat's war on global warming so today I am selling my Peabody Coal stock. Oh the power of the press. I also get mad when I read about the Feds keeping interest rates low. Apparently they want to continue this policy into 2015. Folks like Nancy and I who are savers are penalized while debtors are rewarded. Being a product of the Depression I grew up hearing stories of how my Grandparents had lost their savings by investing in the stock market. However, we do invest a small amount and I am happy to see the stock market having a good run. I think maybe I am spending too much time reading the WSJ. I hope the weather improves so I can spend more time outdoors. After breakfast I walked home in a warm drizzle. We are leaving for AZ tomorrow so I ran several errands when I got home. I packed for our AZ trip this afternoon. I checked the local paper in Douglas, AZ. The paper had a nice write up on Martha Robles. Nancy fixed fried egg sandwiches for dinner tonight. I also finished the chili. It was very good. Not much on TV so after the news I headed upstairs to write this blog. The temperature is suppose to dropped dramatically this evening. Snow and very cold temperatures are predicted for tonight. Our flight out of GR is not until 1500 tomorrow so I am hoping that we will have no problem getting out of GR or Chicago. Missy sent me a nice note on facebook. Monday was her birthday. Seventy five years ago in Ossineke, MI my great grandfather Sanborn wrote that it was very cold and the roads were very icy. He did get a check from the Power Company for $120. $120 in 1938 was a lot of money. I see the politicans are trying to put together an Immigration law. I hope they are successful. Not many people agree with me but I am for a very liberal immigration law. Immigration is good for the USA. I would allow illegals an easy path to citizenship. I did get my 30 in today. Think Spring!

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