Friday, January 25, 2013

Friday January 25, 2013

Another cold day, 15 at 0500. Up on the upside, we did not have to shovel this morning. I drove to the MAC today. After the MAC I drove home and then walked to the Kava House. I needed to get my 30 in. I read the WSJ and DFP. It appears that the world economy is slowly getting better. All the talk about the President's efforts on global warming has me thinking that I better get rid of my Peabody Coal stock. I want to find a company that is big in making desalination equipment. My engineering magazines keep talking about the urgent global need for fresh water. On my walk home Stephen called me and told me about the passing of Veronica's mother. Our prayers and thoughts are with the Scott Team. I asked Stephen to keep us informed of their plans. I spent most of the afternoon installing my computer keyboard tray. I finally have succeeded. Before dinner we ran several errands. Nancy mailed a birthday package to LA and then we picked up a library book. Finally we stopped at Meijer's for some supplies. After Meijer we decided that it was snowing too hard to go out to dinner. We stayed home and Nancy fixed hot dogs. It is now 2030 and I just took Ms P out. We had about 2" of snow on the ground. We will have to shovel tomorrow before Nancy goes to the MAC. Veronica we are thinking of you and Nancy and I want to express our love.

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