Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Tuesday January 29, 2013

We had some heavy thunder storms roll through last night. Ms P went bonkers. The temperature was in the low 40s this morning. Although the roads were clear of snow I drove to the MAC this morning because the TV said rain was on its way. The truth is that I was too lazy to get out the bike. I did my Tuesday tri at the MAC. My times were average. I was going to drive home and walk to the Kava House but I thought it might rain so I stopped at Breton Village. I have been using my Atlas to find out where Mali and Niger are. Is the US heading down to road to military adventure in Africa? I hope not. The stock market continues to be strong. Is the economy really rebounding? I got home about 1300 today. I had a quick lunch and then headed upstairs. Kim picked up Ms P this afternoon. Ms P will stay with her until next Tuesday. Neither Nancy or I have started to pack for our trip to AZ. I am enjoying having to stay inside because of the rain. I spent about 2 hours this afternoon reading my book. It is now 1756 and a thunder storm is rolling through. The temperature is 56. However, tomorrow it will drop to 19. On Thursday, the day we leave for AZ the temperature will be in the teens all day. I hope we can get out of GR and Chicago. Tonight we are finishing the chili Nancy made on Sunday. We will read the GRP and then watch NCIS. I hope I don't fall asleep. Does anyone care who wins the Superbowl?

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