Sunday, January 20, 2013

Sunday January 20, 2013

It was very cold today. The temperature has stayed in the teens all day. We got up at 0700 and immediately got ready for the MAC. I went swimming, 1250 yards, but Nancy with all the stitches spent some time on the treadmill. After the MAC we headed to Meijer's for our supplies. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. I took a short nap. Matt Kutsche the son of Dr Dave and Mary (Hess) was killed in an auto accident in Haiti. He was on a church mission to help earthquake survivors. His dad was also on the mission. Dr Kutsche is our GP. We think he is a great guy. His wife, Mary Hess, grew up two doors from us. The funeral home was jammed. The waiting time to see Dave and Mary was over an hour. We got to talk to Hess kids: Andy, Mary, Jon and Ann. Dan Hess the father was also in attendance. Dan is 84 and living in Florida. Andy Hess was appreciative of Missy's comments on his facebook page. It was nice seeing all the Hess family but wish it could have been under different circumstances. For the first time this year I am going to watch several football games. It is too cold to be outside. My microsoft Office programs are not working so I am typing this blog without the aid of spell check. I will head to bed early tonight because tomorrow morning I will have to shovel. We are expecting about 3".

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