Saturday, January 19, 2013

Saturday January 19, 2013

I'm back! I have not written a blog since December 18, 2012. On Wednesday December 19 Nancy and I flew to San Jose, CA to spend Christmas with Debbie. We stayed in Debbie's new house and both Nancy and I think it is perfect for Debbie. I like the neighborhood. Missy and AJ joined us for Christmas. It is always great to spend the holidays with family. The weather was cool in San Jose with lows in the 30s, no frost, and highs in the low 60s. After Christmas we headed south to LA. Nancy and I drove with Debbie. We took I5 and as we reached the summit of I5's grapevine stretch we encountered snow. The stay in the LA area was great , we got to spend time with Steve and his family. Nancy and I took Lucas and Alessandra to several museums in the area. We were also able to attend several gymnastic practices. Nancy came down with a bad cold so we spent New Year's day in our motel. On our last day we took Missy and AJ to the Huntington Museum in Pasadena. Nancy wanted to see their Japanese Gardens. Their garden is beautiful. We took the red eye back to GR. We got home on Saturday morning January 5. I also got a cold so both Nancy and I spent our first week back recuperating. On Friday January 11 Kim brought back Ms P. Sunday January 13 we resumed our normal routines. The last week has been kind of a catch up week. We are both feeling better so we spent a lot of time getting our affairs up to date. On Wednesday Nancy had a patch of skin removed from her face. She spent most of the day at the Doctors office. The surgery required 52 stitches. The stitches must be small because the surface area of the patch is small. Nancy is feeling much better but will be happy when the stitches are removed next Wednesday. Tonight we are going to dinner with Becky Verker and her new husband, Ken Hershberger. We are going to Pietro's. We are expecting some very cold weather coming our way. Temperatures tonight might reach single digits. I have only shoveled snow once this year. In fact I have been able to ride my bike every day. I have been getting my 30 in and I hope everyone else is also spending 30 minutes outside every day. My goal this winter is to get some more family research done. I might even drive over to Ontario to get some birth and death certificates on family members. Nancy and I are also thinking of maybe redoing the master bedroom.

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