Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Tuesday December 18, 2012

I got started early today because I have a 0845 Doctor's appointment. I hustled through my at-home routine. I took and quick shower and then got in the C2 and headed to Dr Mary's office on Michigan Street. I got my stitches out and it took about 4 minutes. After the Doctor I stopped at the bank to get some money for our trip to CA tomorrow. I then headed to the MAC. Today I did the tri and my swim time for 1,000 yards was 31'. I have to be home early today so I did not go to the Kava House. I had my coffee at Breton Village. The mall was crowded because the Christmas train display is up and running. A lot of grandparents bringing their grand kids to see the trains. It is really a great display. I got home about 1230 and Nancy was already home. I think Ms P knew that she was leaving. Kim stopped by about 1400 and Ms P and Kim headed out. I spent some time playing with Nancy's new phone. I cannot get the email to work on the phone. My new iphone is working fine. It is a great piece of technology. I also finished packing this afternoon. I needed to get my 30 in so I took a 2.5 mile walk. Tonight we will watch the NCIS shows and then head to bed. The taxi is stopping by at 0415. I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

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