Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Wednesday December 12, 2012

It seems Ms P and I are hung up on 0400. We both need to go outside. I had to get up early, 0545, because I had Breakfast Club this morning. The speaker today was a professional storyteller. She told several Christmas stories. It was entertaining. After BC I stopped by the Kava House to read the papers. The WSJ had a major story on Michigan passing a right-to-work law. I was totally surprised that the measure passed. Although I am not a big fan of unions I don't think the new legislation will have much impact. I think I said the same thing yesterday. After the Kava House I walked Ms P around the block. I then started writing Christmas cards. I was done by 1300. I had a 1400 Grand Rapids Building Authority meeting. We had a small agenda and we adjourned at 1430. I will now walk to the post office to mail my Christmas cards. Nancy is on Meijer's Garden committee dealing with the new Japanese Garden that is being constructed at the Gardens. They had a 1100 meeting. After the meeting she will work her normal Wednesday afternoon shift. Tonight we are going to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. I know it is a day early but change is good. Not much on TV so we will probably head to bed early.

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