Saturday, December 15, 2012

Friday December 14, 2012

TGIF: Even though I am retired I still like Fridays when they roll around. Today is no exception. After the morning routine I rode my bike with the steel stud tires to the MAC. The steel studs are great in ice and snow but they seem to be harder to pedal. They are also noisy. After the MAC I headed to the Kava House. Since Kim was cleaning the house I was in no hurry to get home. I read the WSJ and DFP from cover to cover. The only thing of interest was the continuing trial of Detroit's ex-mayor and his contractor buddy. They were using the City as their personal piggy bank. I spent my entire career in public infrastructure construction and I have never encountered corruption, especially on the scale it was done in Detroit. I did not get home until 1330. I asked Kim how Ms P did at the kennel and she said that Ms P did fine. That was good news to hear. After a quick lunch I drove Nancy to Costco. Gas at Costco was $3.11 a gallon. We were buying a dessert for Saturday night. We are having the Namey's over after dinner. Nancy and I are getting new cell phones. We are both moving to the SCECO company plan with Sprint. Nancy bought me a new iphone 5 so after Costco I headed to the Sprint store to pick it up. At 1800 we met the Horlings at the Twisted Roster for dinner. After dinner we saw the movie "Lincoln". We all thought it was a great movie. We did not get home until almost 2300.

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