Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Tuesday December 11, 2012

It was cold this morning, 27⁰, when Ms P and I went out at 0400. The ground had a thin layer of snow. I did not do any exercises at home but headed directly to the MAC at 0800. I really put on the layers and it seemed to work. I was nice and toasty except for my feet. I will solve the cold feet problem next year. I am still not doing any exercises that might pull my stitches. I hope to resume these exercises on Thursday. I am still ordering small coffees because my stomach cannot tolerate too much. The big talk in Mi is the pending right-to-work legislation. There is a huge rally in Lansing today. It will be interesting to see the impact of the legislation in 10 months. I had a light lunch and then headed upstairs to start writing check to charities that we give to once a year. It took me most of the afternoon. Nancy spent most of the afternoon getting packages ready to mail to the kids. I took the packages to the post office. The line at the PO was almost out the door. Ms P and I took a quick walk around the block. I talked to both Missy and Debbie this afternoon. Tonight is a big TV night for me. However, I have to head to bed early because I have to get up early for Breakfast Club.

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