Monday, December 10, 2012

Monday December 10, 2012

Monday morning and Ms P and I went outside at 0400. The weather was a snow/rain mix. I really did not know if I could ride my bike today. Nancy and I watched the early morning shows. Nancy has to meet some vendors this morning so she is not going to the MAC. Because of my stitches I cannot do any chip-ups or pushups. I walked outside at 0730 and decided that the roads were wet but not frozen. I strapped on my miner's lantern and got on my retro and pedaled to the MAC. I did all my routine, except for the upper body exercises at the MAC. I finished my routine with a 1.5 mile run. My time for the 1.5 miles was 16'. At one time I could run 1.5 miles in 12'. After the MAC I pedaled to the Kava House. Lately, because of a sour stomach I have been drinking a small coffee. I continued today. Both the WSJ and DFP only rehashed the weekend news. After a quick lunch I ran several errands. I had to buy several recessed light bulbs for our kitchen. I like the lights but they are pricey, $8 each. I keep thinking that I will start my Christmas cards soon. Maybe tomorrow. This afternoon Nancy went to another hospital guild party. She is my party girl. Did you know that a lot of folks comment how much Nancy looks like Judith Dench, the British actress. I think Judith Dench looks like Nancy but she is much shorter, 5'1" vs 5'4".

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