Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Wednesday January 23, 2013

The cold continues. This morning the temperature was 8⁰ and now at 1600 it is a balmy 18⁰. We got enough snow last night that I had to shovel. I had breakfast club this morning. I was surprised that despite the cold we had a good turnout. We had eight folks at our table. Four were over 85 and only two were under 80. The speaker talked about the successful introduction of Peregrine Falcons to downtown GR. After BC I came home and let Ms P out. She does not like this cold. She does her bidness within 50 feet of the back door. It takes 30 seconds, max. I grabbed a small package and walked to the post office. After the PO I headed to the Kava House for coffee. I read most of the WSJ. The eye doctor had called me this morning saying my new lens for my sunglasses was in. I headed downtown and found out they had ordered the wrong lens. Bummer. This afternoon Nancy is working at Meijer's Garden. I relocated my computer at the start of the year. Today I was going to move the keyboard tray that moves under the desk when I am not typing. I did not follow the old adage of measure twice and cut once. I put the tray in the wrong location. I will try again tomorrow. I just brought up some Scott family material. My winter project is to continue the family tree. I would really like to know if the Scott family is really from Scotland as everyone assumes. I have no exact proof. Nancy and I are still fighting the remnants of our cold. Last night I watched 30 seconds of NCIS before falling asleep. I slept for over an hour. I could not believe I slept through my favorite TV show. It is now 1645 and I am going outside to shovel the walk. It has been snowing lightly all day. I hope you all get your 30 in today.

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