Thursday, August 23, 2012

Wednesday August 22, 2012

Today is Breakfast Club Wednesday. So I get up at 0555. I take Ms P out and then get in the C2 and head to the Women's Civic Club for BC. Today's speaker was from the Mackinac Center for Public Policy. The Mackinac Center bills itself as a think tank. It has a very right wing biases. The Speaker talked about the 7 proposals that are on the November ballot. That is right folks seven proposals. Most of the proposals were generated by public sector unions. The unions have taken a hit by recent laws passed by the Republican controlled State House and Senate. We are also voting on a proposal that would require 2/3 vote in order to increase taxes and the green folks was 25% of our energy to be from renewable sources by 2025. I am voting NO on all the proposals. I am really against all referendums because we elect folks to solve these problems. When I got home I started cutting the grass. I started at 1100 and was done at 1415. I cannot get the grass cut in under 3 hours. Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. I took a quick shower and then a nap. At 1730 Nancy and I headed to 53rd Park for a picnic dinner and the Whitecaps ball game. Scott Civil Engineering Company was sponsoring this event. The food was great and it was a nice evening to watch a baseball game. We left after the 7th inning. I watched some TV but was in bed by 2200. Another nice summer day in GR.

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