Thursday, August 16, 2012

Wednesday August 15, 2012

Ah Wednesday! and it is my easy day. It was overcast when I got on the bike and headed to Bill's in fact it was cool enough to require wearing a jacket. I had Bill's $4.75 special, 2 eggs, potato, sausage and toast. I did read the WSJ and DFP. Detroit's former Mayor Kilpatrick is being tried in Detroit along with several cronies for stealing the City blind. The lawyers are all playing games. I keep reading about the trouble in Europe especially Italy and Spain. I wonder if Nancy and I visited Italy would we notice the problems? Today I must cut the grass. We have had quite a bit of rain in the past week and the grass is quite long. I started at 1215 and was done at 1515. I finished throwing the ball to Ms P about 1400. I have a new ball that I can really heave. I think I wore her out. Yesterday I wrote that the 14th was my Cousin Bill Hughes birthday and I had received some photos from his son. My cousin was a good pole vaulter and one of the photos show Bill going over the bar. He was using a bamboo pole. If present day vaulters used a bamboo pole their jumps would be several feet lower. Another photo showed Bill in his Navy uniform during WWII. Bill was assigned to a ship unloading battalion. Unloading ships on South Pacific beaches was a dangerous job. I just got an email from Pat Hughes and he said that Cousin Bill's vault was 10'1" and this was the AHS record from 1943 to 1963. The only sports record holder in my family. We had a light dinner and then watched several reruns. I did take a mile walk before heading upstairs.

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